How to Build the Perfect LinkedIn Profile - infographic

If you're on LinkedIn, you probably know the basics of how to build a good profile: include a picture, write grabby headlines, and optimize your keywords. But what about the little things that are easy to overlook?

In a recent infographic, social media agency Link Humans digs deeper into the things that really make your social media profile stand out, including:

  • A photo cropped to show your face. Just having a photo isn't enough. Your photo needs to be clear, and composed or cropped to feature your face. A professional headshot is best, but if you don't have that, it's pretty easy to mimic one by using good light and standing before a solid background, while wearing professional clothing and smiling. Casual snaps you'd use on most social media sites and weekend wear are definitely out.
  • Include keywords in your headline. Ideally, your headline should appeal to both humans and internal search. On Fast Company, user Amber Mac suggests focusing on how you can help potential employers, instead of just repeating your skills or job title.
  • Update daily. Too often, we think of our LinkedIn presence as static profiles, a sort of resume on the internet. But to stay top of mind with your connections and recruiters, you need to update as often as possible -- daily, if you can.

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